Well Hello There COMM 401! Let the Curation Begin...
A Wix page has the unique capability to showcase academic work. A major bonus of this feature is that these samples will be viewable by potential employers. With the rise of recruitment and vetting by potential employers via social networking sites, access to these works can help to boost employment opportunities. This will aid in the achievement of obtaining a job in my chosen career field after college.
There are a few key elements that are timeless – writing skills, neutral color schemes, clean designs, and appropriate photographs. While I feel that I have accomplished most of these key elements, there is always room for improvement on a Wix page. If I were to change anything to make my Wix page better, it would be to decrease the amount of personal pictures that I have on my biography page.
There is really only one question that I have at this stage of the ePortfolio project. Is there anything that I can do to present my resume in a better light? I have constructed bullets that highlight pertinent information. However, I want this to be as pleasing to the eye as possible.