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Curating my way into Comm 351

Hello all! Well, the time has come again for another introductory blog! Honestly, each time it gets a little bit easier. I would have to say that this curation period was even more seamless then last time. Every time that I have received feedback on how to better equip this Wix page, I have implemented changes. That made it very simple in terms of the curation for COMM 351. However, reflecting all the way back to the initial creation of this page; I would say that the easiest part of setting up a Wix account would have to be the design aspect. Once I figured out how to navigate the page, it was very simple to set it up. The most helpful tool was the automatic alignment marker that would appear while moving things around the page. As someone with a type A personality, the ability to easily create symmetry was something that I absolutely LOVED!

I did not feel that there were any challenges with the curation of my Wix account. There were not a lot of changes that I felt needed to be made. Again, reflecting back to the initial creation; learning how to use this tools and functions of Wix was a challenge. I had to look up how to do quite a few things within the editing portion of my Wix page. If I remember correctly, I spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos of how to create a Wix page.

There were a few changes that I made to my Wix account. These changes consisted mostly of updating information that required attention. This included graduation dates and making sure that my resume was up to date. Dated information should always be checked to ensure that it is up to date as possible. In regards to my graduation date changing; I took a semester off for maternity leave. Therefore, my graduation date was pushed back a full semester. My husband and I welcomed our son into the world. So, I added his picture and updated my "About" page. I felt that the rest of my page did not require much attention. As stated earlier, I have been continusouly updating it based upon recommendation.

From the beginning, special care has been given to the professional aspect of my Wix account. This is because of the highly professional nature of my career field. While I would absolutely LOVE to have my page filled with bright colors of pinks, teals, and yellows; the military culture prefers a more neutral color pallet. So instead, I used navy blues, blacks, and grays. It is less exciting but gives way to a more professional appearance. The only page that I have continued to struggle with has been my resume page. It has been updated many times, based upon recommendations, in hopes of making it more inviting and less confusing. However, no matter how much effort I put into it, it always seems to be a bit off in some way.

In regards to my social media presence, I try to keep it presentable. I do not want to give off the impression of not being able to handle my personal life to my current or future employers. Unfortunately, many employers use social media to determine if a potential employee is a good fit for their company. Therefore, I try to keep my social media image as clean as possible. I do not think that I use social media to highlight my abilities. I am not planning to be in the job market because I am planning to be career military. So, my social media is more for personal use only. I also use a lot of privacy features on my social media. It would be very difficult for someone who is not a "friend" to get any information from my social media accounts.

At this stage, I do not have any questions about the ePortfolio projects. I am sure that they will come up as the semester continues. I am excited to study the topic of communication in the workplace! It is going to be a lot of fun! Now on to learning!

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