I Think I was Persuaded to Curate for COMM 333!
Hello COMM 333! I am beyond excited to be writing this blog post because I have been looking forward to taking this course since I first saw it on ODU’s course catalog! The easiest part of setting up my Wix account was that I already had one. For me, it was a matter of looking at the specific requirements and curating my Wix to reflect the rubric for COMM 333. It was quick.
I have noticed that the basic requirements for Wix accounts have not changed within the Communications Department. As a type A personality, this can be a challenge for me. It almost makes me feel like I have not completed the assignment correctly. So, I end up going over the rubric multiple time to ensure that I have met all the wickets.
I feel confident in my professional and online presence at this time. I have spent a lot of time attempting to ensure that I present and maintain a high level of professionalism, especially in my online presence. I usually ask myself two questions when gauging if something is appropriate, “Would I mind seeing this again in a different context,” and “Could this be taken out of context?” If I feel that my professional and online presence is in jeopardy, then I do not engage in whatever activity I was measuring. If I were to identify a weakness of mine, it would the resume page of my Wix. I never feel 100 percent satisfied with it and constantly look forward to feedback on how to improve.
At this stage, I do not have any questions concerning the ePortfolio project. In regards to the curation of my Wix page, I made a few minor changes. On the About Me page, I updated some of the wording. I did not like the flow of one of the sentences because the type of knowledge was not concrete. To increase clarification, I changed it to reference the knowledge that I gained from attending ODU Classes. On my Resume page, I annotated that I read and verified that all my information was current. This was accomplished by updating the date to the 5th of September, 2017. My Projects page was updated by removing the PDF links and inserting buttons that linked to the individual works. For the curation worksheet, I opted to complete the Seek Insight assignment and the Building Professional Credibility assignment. The blog topics for the Building Professional Credibility were focused on Relationship Communication, specifically Marriage.