Seeking Insight? I did!
As part of my curation for this ePortfolio, I chose to seek insight from an ePortfolio Peer Mentor. As discussed in my previous blog, I...
I Think I was Persuaded to Curate for COMM 333!
Hello COMM 333! I am beyond excited to be writing this blog post because I have been looking forward to taking this course since I first...
Farewell COMM 351, it has been a pleasure...
COMM 351 has had an impact on the professional presence of my ePortfolio. Most of the changes that were made aimed to tidy up the page. ...
Curating my way into Comm 351
Hello all! Well, the time has come again for another introductory blog! Honestly, each time it gets a little bit easier. I would have...
COMM 401...What an Adventure!
My experience in COMM 401 has challenged me to gain an understanding of theories that do not necessarily align with my own personal views....
Well Hello There COMM 401! Let the Curation Begin...
A Wix page has the unique capability to showcase academic work. A major bonus of this feature is that these samples will be viewable by...
Have a Great Summer!
Hey everyone! First off, I would like to say thank you and that I really appreciated getting to know you all over the past semester. The...
After I developed an understanding of the terrain of this application, I would have to say the easiest part about setting up my Wix...